Presented at the History of Education Annual Meeting, November 2nd, 2017 While often considered the purview of the state, education has a long history of beginning in the home. In the aftermath of the turbulent…
Welcome to the Digital Jungle
Hello. It’s the year 2020. Seems like a good year to take up blogging. Why now? Look around. The field of education has been absolutely rocked this year. You might even say that we are…
Top Moves to Prepare Your Online Classroom
Hey folks: It’s August. Chats with educator friends this week have been heavy: people are understandably worried about what education will look like in the coming months, if not years. An image from a Georgia…
Artificial Antiquity: Using Virtual Reality To Make History
The Digital Frontier continues to move. Can it reshape our understanding of history? Innovative technologies boast realistic recreations of the past, from the glory of Athens to the trenches of Verdun. Virtual Reality allows students…